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UI issue on Country List

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 04 January 2025 at 7:35pm

Topic: UI issue on Country List
Posted By: RBarrow
Subject: UI issue on Country List
Date Posted: 06 December 2013 at 10:54am
We have an issue with the UI specifically the blacklist country list does not scroll any longer.  I know I can directly edit the BL_country list but I don't know what code goes with what country (not in the sql database or any text file I can find).
running latest build -
Have to unblock Sweden...

Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 06 December 2013 at 7:16pm
In the BL_Countries.txt file if using SpamFilter ISP Standard, or in the table tblbl_countries if using SpamFilter Enterprise, the code for Sweden is:


To unblock it, you would have to delete the line in the file BL_Countries.txt for SpamFilter ISP Standard, or the record in the table tblbl_countries for SpamFilter Enterprise.

This said, we're not able to duplicate this issue with the GUI. If possible, could you please email us at support @ your BL_Countries.txt file so we can try to replicate your list in our lab to see if there's anything unusual with it?

Roberto Franceschetti" rel="nofollow - LogSat Software" rel="nofollow - Spam Filter ISP

Posted By: RBarrow
Date Posted: 06 December 2013 at 9:44pm
We are running I found and deleted the line in the sql our txt file would likely do you no good in ts the issue.  I have looked through the txt file carefully and it is nothing more than a list of two letter codes....nothing more.
The UI works fine on all of the other white and black lists...just not sure if it reads in the text file and uses it to update the sql table or what...  just not working.
When I get back to the office I will gladly email a copy of the txt file.

Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 07 December 2013 at 5:07am
In the Enterprise version, SpamFilter automatically exports all settings in the database to text files, and then uses those text files to actually import the settings. This allows SpamFilter to continue to function even if the database server is offline.

Within 5 seconds after any of the data in the database tables is changed, the modified table is exported to a text file, and SpamFilter will then re-import that text file. So if you're able to email us that text file, we'll be able to see what the database settings are.

If the domain is using the default settings for the " ALL DOMAINS" (note the space before ALL), then the tex file will be located in:
SpamFilter\domains\ ALL DOMAINS\BL_Countries.txt

If the domain has custom settings, then that file will be located in a directory containing the domain name instead of the default "ALL DOMAINS".

Roberto Franceschetti" rel="nofollow - LogSat Software" rel="nofollow - Spam Filter ISP

Posted By: RBarrow
Date Posted: 09 December 2013 at 12:15pm
Now I understand the relationship between the tables and the txt files. I was able to resolve the issue and everything is working OK now.

Thanks for making that clear!


Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 09 December 2013 at 3:51pm
We'd still like to help you solve the root issue however with the UI not working. If you'd like to send us your BL_Countries.txt I'd like to try replicating the problem.


Roberto Franceschetti" rel="nofollow - LogSat Software" rel="nofollow - Spam Filter ISP

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